Moore Outlines Microsoft's 100m Xbox Vision

Date: Friday, September 29 @ 16:17:08 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

The X06 line-up might have impressed the games industry, but Xbox boss Peter Moore has conceded that Microsoft must work harder to attract new gamers if it is to match arch rival Sony and “hit 100 million”.

And, speaking to in Barcelona earlier this week, Moore revealed that Microsoft is already working on peripheral-based software that it believes can match the market-broadening success of titles like SingStar and Guitar Hero.

“We recognise that what we call the 'Family Funster' stuff, if it's a category, is something we need to do better on,” admitted Moore.

“With Viva Pinata there's this interesting concept of building an animated series – this is Microsoft doing children's television. If we'd said two years ago we'll have stuff for 8-12 year olds on Xbox Live I'm sure you'd have given me a slightly puzzled look. But I recognise that and we are doing a lot of stuff, we're just not ready to announce it yet.”

Asked whether this meant Microsoft is currently working on its answer to the likes of SingStar and Buzz, Moore confirmed: “Oh yeah. And it's more than just games. Buzz, Singstar, Guitar Hero – there are peripherals and stuff of that nature. Things that in some instances take the controller away and give you things you feel more comfortable with.”

Moore argued that the EyeToy-aping camera peripheral, due for release later this year, was an important step in the right direction, broadening the appeal of 360 by opening up “all types of possibilities not just with video chat but interesting ways to interact with the game”.

Senior European publishing execs, who privately expressed concern during the X06 event that Microsoft still lacked the mass-market penetration achieved so consummately by Sony and Nintendo, are likely to be encouraged by this news.

“You make a good point that, in the traditional sense, we're checking the boxes of a lot of genres and that's important,” he continued.

“[But] it's about getting people to interact with the games console, regardless of whether they do it for 30 hours a week or ten hours a week, whether it's my mum or my sister or my daughter. Those are the people we need to get.

“If you're going to hit 100 million you need to address that market. We're still finding ways to be able to do that, but we will. I absolutely guarantee that we will.”


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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