XDVDRebuilder Released!

Date: Wednesday, October 04 @ 19:43:11 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

A new region/stealth checker for the Xbox360

XDVDRebuilder is a program that doesnt rebuild xbox dvds(actually it would work for xbox 1 isos ripped with garbage but not for 360 isos because they have magical hidden data and until someone works out where it might be its doomed to failure)

Note: this program is not complete and as such has options that dont do anything and buttons which are disabled, dont panic though, its easy.

What it DOES do is quickly and easily allow you to check the region code of an iso(more specifically the default xex/xbe of an iso) and tell you if its stealthy or not, and if it has been patched with SS. Works with both xbox1 and xbox360 isos.

News-Source: http://www.xbins.org

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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