
Date: Monday, August 22 @ 09:27:12 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

The guys over at PlanetXbox360 found that a new 'strange' site,, has been launched. It shows a tree (bonsai?) and something that looks like a green rabbit with a counter in the background (counting down from 37 days and a few hours). It uses the time from your local PC and counts down to September 27th 1200pm (midday) for everyone. is registered under the name of Microsoft. This could be faked of course as anyone could register a domainname and put it under the name of Microsoft, but the DNS servers used are owned by Microsoft and also the same as those used by and ... so this must really be a Microsoft site.
What Microsoft exactly tries to achieve here is unclear atm, but it could very well be a new viral marketing campaign (alternate-reality game) like 'I Love Bees' and ''. 27th September would be a bit early for the Xbox 360 launch (expected around November 4th in USA/CAN) ... but it could be the day the official launchdate will be announced or specifics about a Microsoft Studios Xbox 360 game might be released. We'll have to wait for more details to know what exactly this is about.

Origen means origin in spanish (can be interpreted as either the 'source' or the 'beginning').
Someone on our forums also noiticed Origen is an anagram of Ignore.
But 'Origen' was also a Christian scholar and theologian and one of the most distinguished of the Fathers of the early Christian Church. He was born about 182, probably at Alexandria, and died at Caesarea not later than 251. His writings are important as the first serious intellectual attempt to describe Christianity. Read More about 'Origen' on
PlanetXbox360 also found a hidden image on It appears when you force the counter to 0 (by advancing your PC clock to Sept 27th 12pm or later)

UPDATE1: Another 'theory' about the three and rabbit from
The images could also have a connection with Alice in Wonderland. The tree and the rabbit could mean that you, the viewer, are in the same situation as Alice. You know, follow the rabbit. Also, in the story, Alice finds a tree in the woods with a little door in it. She goes through the door and finds herself in the hallway with the entrance to the garden, which she is finally able to enter.
Could the shadow on the floor be from the vanishining Cheshire Cat of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

UPDATE2: There's a 'hidden' website. If you visit the website in secure http (https), you get a login screen. Check it out: This links to the same page as (the Xbox press site for Europe, Middle East and Africa). Also notice the text at the left side and bottom background:
"During the build.
Up to the race there will be 1000+ London wide, running clinics, woke SWOT team that turn up, morning (Gyms) Lunch Times (Tube Stations) Evening (Tube Stations) They'll look after your bags, split the group up into varying standard, give advice and then go on runs."


(Shark2th note: When I tried the secure http, it knocked me out stating the connection was terminated unexpectedly.) Shrug....

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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