First Impressions: PS3 vs. Xbox 360

Date: Sunday, November 19 @ 00:47:05 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

PorscheXboxster from has graciously posted his First Impressions of the PS3 vs. Xbox 360 and as you can expect he still rates his xbox 360 so much higher.. Read on...

Well, I unpacked my PS3 last night. I really don't care for the glossy black finish because it shows fingerprints just like the PSP. It feels heavier and is a fair amount larger than the Xbox 360. I got it set up without much difficulty... I did need to buy an HDMI cable as none was provided.

For all the hype about how "advanced" the PS3 is touted to be, shouldn't it have come with an HDMI cable??? After it's connected, it thinks it's sending out 1080P and the monitor thinks it's receiving 1080P, so I guess all is good.

OK, I tried to connect to the Playstation online services... oops! My PS3 had out-of-date system software, so I couldn't connect until I updated the system software. Launch day and it's already out-of-date? WTF?

Over two freakin' hours later, it finally finished the upgrade! Once again, WTF? I was even using the ethernet cable, not WiFi!

OK, it's upgraded, now I have to establish an account. After entering data on several pages of forms (which took way too long to load), it asked if I wanted to enter credit card information for online purchases. I chose "YES". Big mistake! I got an error message about being unable to connect to the server. All the freakin' information I entered was LOST! I had to re-enter it.... WTF? I decided NOT to add credit card info the second time around!

Once my account was established, I could go to the Playstation store. I saw a couple of lame games to purchase... one was $7.99 and the other was $9.99. A few game demos, a few trailers/game videos... none compelling.

I hate the menu system of the PS3. If you like the PSP menu system, you'll love the PS3 menu system. Personally, I hate the PSP menu system... it's just not that intuitive.

Speaking of the menu system, there was an item labeled "Internet Browser"... I couldn't read the garbage it displayed on the screen. Too small and not clear enough... on a 65" DLP screen at 1080P! I couldn't figure out how to get the browser to work. Oh well! I guess I'll stick with the HTPC for web browsing for now.

I decided the setup the WiFi connection... it worked quickly and flawlessly! Hurray! This was the one thing that was easier on the PS3 than on the Xbox 360.

I've tried out Ridge Racer 7 & Resistance: Fall Of Man. Ridge Racer is a worn-out series that needs to be retired. Resistance was OK, but not terribly impressive and it had fairly long load times (Xbox 360 load times are too long also). I purchased it only because I'd read some reviews that seemed to indicate it was the best launch game. Maybe it will improve when I get further into it. The graphics were excellent, but there are Xbox 360 games that are better.

The new controller is very light... too light. While I don't want a boat anchor, I do like a controller with a substantial feel to it. It feels like one of those cheap PC controllers Wal-mart sells for next-to-nothing. It came with an EXTREMELY short mini-USB-to-USB cable to charge it... WTF? No chance of playing while charging with that short cable! I bought an additional controller... only $50! gulp!.... it didn't even come with a freakin' cable! My understanding is the rechargeable PS3 controller batteries are not replaceable

I haven't tried out the Blu-Ray DVD movie yet (Talladega Nights... I've already seen it and it wasn't that funny). I did try out my HD-DVD Xbox 360 add-on box and it works very well.


Appearance: Xbox 360 gets the edge here. I personally favor the flat white over the glossy black. The PS3 does look more "futuristic" look, it is also quite a bit larger and heavier.

Basic Value: Xbox 360. Microsoft doesn't force you to buy stuff you may not need. Don't need WiFi? Don't buy the add-on. Don't need to play DVDs in HD? Don't buy the add-on. Don't need rechargeable batteries? Use alkaline batteries. If you do decide to buy the rechargeable batteries, you'll get a substantial length of cable.

Online Marketplace: PLEASE! They experiences don't even compare. OK, you DO have to pay for Xbox Live, but it's worth it! Even though the Playstation online experience is free, I'd STILL like my money back!


In less than 4 hours, I'm off to GameStop to pick up my Wii! If the Xbox 360 isn't my favorite console, it will be unseated by the Wii.... not the PS3!

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