Two Worlds more in depth than Oblivion!?!

Date: Tuesday, June 12 @ 12:02:29 UTC
Topic: Gaming

"Two Worlds may seem to be in the Oblivion template, but the two games are very different once you get beyond the surface," Hassinger told Eurogamer. "Two Worlds offers a more focused, grittier experience and a lot of correlating features are deeper in Two Worlds."

"Our inventory system is smarter, our magic system is much more complex and even the way we handle horses has more depth. Beyond those game mechanics, we have a much more complex society, with many more factions working within it. On top of that, our overarching storyline is a touch darker and more involved. That's not to say that Oblivion is a worse game, just that Two Worlds has more 'meat'


Hard for me to believe, but the RPG fan that I am, I keep a close track on all of the RPG's out there. I especially follow the ones that are on, or will be coming out for the Xbox 360 console because it is my favorite console, and the one I devote the most time to. Its nice to see a change from the past where xbox wasnt in the mix of mainstream RPG's, but now it seems more and more are coming out on the console and being planned for it as well. If you are a RPG gamer and you enjoy a nice 4-5 session of Oblivion, id advise you to put Two Worlds on your watch list, but in the meantime...check out this little snippet regarding two worlds compared to Oblivion.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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