PGR4 Dvd Limitations Update

Date: Wednesday, August 01 @ 21:24:40 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Ah the great world of rumors to stir the melting pot. Turns out the dvd size constraints supposedly plaguing Bizarre Creations upcoming title PGR4 , were false. The best part of this rumor is Sony's reaction when they fell for this rumor, hook line and sinker.

"We took a lot of heat at launch for including Blu-ray in PS3. Now it looks like that investment is being justified," said SCEA spokesman Dave Karraker.

"Next generation games simply need more space on the disc to contain all that high definition content. Take a look at Lair, for example, already pushing 25GB of content, and that is a first-generation title. At 50GB storage capacity, Blu-ray gives the PS3 plenty of headroom for developers to fully realize their visions well into the future."

Ouch Sony, perhaps you should wait for confirmation to rumors before jumping on the fanboy bandwagon.

Bizarre Creations had this to say about the rumor.

As I'm sure you've seen, some of the comments made on our forum have been blown out of all proportion. This has been reported on certain web sites. It seems that a number of fanboys have jumped on the topic... sigh. So it's time we cleared this one up...

When we started designing PGR4 our primary goals were to create a great and unique experience over and above PGR3
, to push the hardware as far as we could, and obviously to ensure that we give great value for money. DVD size is absolutely not a factor that we consider when designing our games... and PGR4 is no exception. DVD9 gives us more than we need to create a fabulous experience for you guys.

The previous game, PGR3
, had five environments. That's how much we could create given our time and resources for that game. With the longer development cycle we've had for PGR4 , as well as the advantage of having final hardware, we wanted to create a far bigger and better game by this time including 10 environments, as well as a whole bunch of new gameplay features.

Rather than having two "fixed" times of day, this time around we decided to use our time to create a dynamic weather system, which effectively creates a much more dramatic palette from which to work with. To show you where we're coming from, have a look at this screenshot crop sheet. This is something we use internally to compare our environments, lighting, and weather effects... but it's certainly useful for demonstrating the breadth of the game here!

360-hq Game Database: PGR3
360-hq Game Database: PGR4
Sony Getting Ahead Of Themselves:

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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