Australia: Soldier of Fortune: Payback Banned

Date: Thursday, October 18 @ 10:33:17 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Activision's Soldier of Fortune: Payback has become the second game this year to be refused classification by the Office of Film and Literature Classification.

The game was to be released in early 2008 on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.

The ban comes at a time when the Interactive Entertainment Association of Australia is stepping up is campaign for the introduction of an R18+ classification as the country heads towards next month's federal election.

The IEAA says Australia is the only developed democracy in the world without a R18+ classification for games, ensuring titles which exceed the limits of the MA15+ category are refused classification and banned from sale.

Earlier in the year, Blitz the League was banned because the classification board argued that it feature drugs used as incentives or rewards.

Other games refused classification in recent years include Reservoir Dogs, 50 Cent Bulletproof, Postal 2 Share the Pain, Narc, The Punisher, Singles: Flirt Up Your Life, Manhunt, Shellshock Nam 67, and Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude.

News Source:
360-Hq Game Database: Soldier of Fortune: Payback for Xbox 360

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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