Atlus On Board with 360

Date: Saturday, November 17 @ 11:12:36 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Atlus USA has become an official third-party publishing partner with Microsoft, initiating a relationship that will bring more niche Japanese games to the Xbox 360.

The first two games that Atlus is bringing to Xbox 360 in the US are the strategy RPG Operation Darkness and Idea Factory's RPG Spectral Force 3 (pictured). Both games are slated to arrive in 2008.

Atlus has eased itself into the next generation of consoles, releasing a relatively steady stream of games to the PlayStation 2, such as Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 and Odin Sphere. The publisher also published the Trauma Center games on Wii and DS.

News-Source: Next-Gen

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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