Guitar Hero: Aerosmith for Xbox 360, PS3, PS2 and Wii

Date: Sunday, February 17 @ 04:01:00 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Activision will be releasing an Aerosmith version of Guitar Hero: Aerosmith for PS3, PS2, Wii and Xbox 360.

Guitar Hero III owners will be able download Aerosmith’s “Dream On” for free between February 16-18 for both PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.

The release date for the game has not been set but we will keep you posted.

Steven Tyler had this to say, “Any band that can go from ‘Don’t Want to Miss A Thing’ to the ass-kicking ‘Sweet Emotion’ to the cheekiness of ‘Love in an Elevator,’ to the classic ballad ‘Dream On’ shows why Activision chose us to headline this game based on the diversity of the Aerosmith catalog. Not only is songwriting a bitch, but then it goes and has puppies.”

I think we all knew that if a one band version ever hit, it wold be Aerosmith heading the show.

360-Hq Game Database: Guitar Hero: Aerosmith for Xbox 360

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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