N+ Content For Xbox Live

Date: Friday, March 14 @ 03:13:55 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Since the games release in February of this year the Metanet development team has been putting in some time to make expansion packs for N+ and have made plenty of them.

Metanet plans to release three download-able expansion packs, each containing about 200 levels, The first pack will likely contain some easier levels and some co-op multi player levels and could hit Xbox Live Marketplace as early as three weeks.

"The other packs will probably contain harder levels, race and survival multi player, and some classic N+ levels from the original game -- we're just not sure how the content will be distributed among the packs yet," said N+ co-creator Mare Sheppard.
They even have plans for a way to share the levels you make with the level editing tools and a few other little goodies that Metanet wont comment on.

The expansion packs will coast around 200 Microsoft Points per pack (US $2.50) or one point per level, and one of the packs will be free.

360-Hq Game Database: N+

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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