Guitar Hero Locks In Aerosmith

Date: Wednesday, April 30 @ 14:04:45 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

The fact that Guitar Hero will be getting an all Aerosmith edition is in no way new news to any of us I'm sure but you might be interested to know what this means for the bands tracks and other games like Rock Band. has the full details on it and by there info it looks like Guitar Hero has locked in all the Aerosmith tracks that have not already been released to Rock Band, so if your an Aerosmith fan with Rock Band only you might want to start saving up now.

Newsweek reports: "we persevered, and with an assist from NEWSWEEK business reporter Ashley Harris, we've learned that Aerosmith is indeed exclusive to Guitar Hero for an unspecified period of time. "It's an exclusive deal for this game," Aerosmith publicist Marcee Rondon told Harris. We confirmed this with Tim Riley, Activision's vice president of music affairs, who told us through Activision PR that "I can say that we do have the band exclusively, and their catalog should be exclusive to us beyond the one or two tracks they had licensed out to Rock Band before we made our deal." (According to MTV's Rhythm Game Track Finder, it's one song: "Train Kept a Rollin'.")

Sorry Rock Band but it would seem that Guitar Hero has secured a monster this time and with Aerosmiths fan base I'm sure it will be reflected in sales when this title hits.

360-Hq Game Database: Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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