Out With The Old For XBLA

Date: Friday, May 23 @ 13:22:11 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

General manager of Xbox Live Marc Whitten set down to an interview May 22 2008 with next-gen.biz and told them a few of the detailes on the spring cleaning going on in the XBLA section.

Aside from having no spring update and the change to the DRM system the one new change will be the removel of any xbox live arcade game thats just not getting downloaded and is takeing up space.

Marc Whitten said "XBLA titles that have been out for more than six months, have a Metacritic score of less than 65%, and have a conversion rate of less than 6% will be eligible for desliting. Microsoft will give three months of notice before these titles are removed."

So if you know of some older titles that you know are not moveing you might want to grab it now or it may not be there when you do want to download it.

News-Source: Next-Gen.net

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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