Borderlands Covers All Weapon Bases and More!

Date: Sunday, June 08 @ 22:27:57 UTC
Topic: Gaming

You got to know that a game covers all weapon bases when you read a quote like "You can take every gun in every shooter in every game on PlayStation 3 and 360... and Borderlands has more," says Gearbox president Randy Pitchford.

500 000+ unique weapons to find and use is just unimaginable. It's also a four player, co-operative sci-fi shooter with a hefty dose of RPG elements and a bit of Diablo inspiration thrown in for good measure.

Netherless this title with a mad max(road warrior)story line of life in the not to distant future when the world is run by nomadic gangs of thugs and bikers in search of the last remaining sources of fuel to power their demonic assault vehicles roam massive levels hunting you down.If that wasnt enough there is also the wild life of the border lands comprising of beasts and creatures capable of destroying you in all manor of ways.

Run through the gearbox engine this title looks like a special with a twist on the current war time shooters dominating the market.

360-Hq Game Database: Borderlands for Xbox 360

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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