Call of Duty: World at War Gets Some Love From Reviewers

Date: Friday, November 14 @ 09:30:48 UTC
Topic: Gaming

The reports are in and there is no doubt that Call of Duty: World at War is a hit in all ways even with the hand full of Call of Duty 4 fans that just wont budge, from the fast pace killing in online play to the fun and frustrating single player the critics all seem to agree this game rocks.

If you go by my poll that had very few votes (so don't blame me for the out come) it looks like the HQ fans out there have the same ratings as other sites which look like this:

  • IGN - 9.2/10

  • GamePro - 4.5/5

  • Gamespot - 8.5/10

  • Play UK - 68%

  • Eurogamer - 8/10

  • Kikizo - 9/10

  • GameSpy - 4.5/5

    Speaking for the hand full of gamers out there that just cant bring there self around to loving this game Play UK gave it the lowest marks with a better then middle of the road 68% and said it was a bit over the top in the violence area but we all know thats not possible.

  • I would like to thank for the review results and for being one hell of a good site over all, there you have it like it or not Call of Duty: World at War is a damn good game.

    360-Hq Game Database: Call of Duty: World at War

  • This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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