No XBL discounts For Europe

Date: Thursday, November 27 @ 13:31:59 UTC
Topic: Live Marketplace

This is by far not a huge surprise to me or even to the Xbox LIve gamers in Europe im sure since it seems like the US gets a lot more and a lot sooner from Microsoft but now the issue of what Reagen celebrates what holidays is coming in to play as shown in this report. reports the following: Microsoft has responded to European Xbox Live users angry over the US-only Thanksgiving price cuts, which see various XBLA and DLC packs slashed by over a third.

Posting on his semi-official blog, Microsoft's Major Nelson said, "I gave the feedback about having this available for other regions, but due to a lot of issues it was not possible. :("

Note the sad smiley there - he's not pleased.

The Black Friday cuts see deals such as Rez HD for 500 Microsoft Points (£4.25), the Guitar Hero Metallica Death Magnetic album for 1440 points (£12.24) and some new premium themes for 180 points (£1.53).

We can see the issue with it being a US-only holiday, but where were our Guy Fawkes discounts, eh?

So there you have it guys and sorry to are friends in Europe but if you don't make a bird you don't get the deals.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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