How Far Will LEGO Go???

Date: Sunday, January 04 @ 13:26:24 UTC
Topic: Gaming

I never like to report on rumors since you got to keep up with it and see if they turn out true or not but this one just grabbed my eye and i had to share it so check out this VG247 report on the rumor of a Lego Rock Band in works.

Rock Band Screenshot 4729

The full report reads as follows: A VG247 source has claimed Traveller’s Tales is working on a Lego version of Rock Band for EA.

Our chatterer assured us the information was “100 percent correct”.

UK developer TT Games confirmed in a Radio One interview with EGTV’s Johnny Minkley last night that a Lego game is to be released this year, but refused to confirm its identity.

Minkley speculated the title was a second Indiana Jones game during the show.

Traveller’s Tales was rumored recently to be working on Lego Harry Potter, talk Warner slapped with a swift “no comment“.

A Lego Potter game would have to be a collaboration with EA, as the publisher owns game rights to the Hogwarts hyper-franchise.

Traveller’s Tales - which is owned by Warner Bros - has yet to confirm future projects, having released Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Batman in 2008.

EA US was unavailable for comment at the time of writing.

With that said it makes you think, just how far can the LEGO franchise take this cash cow before the milk runs dry and just because they can make it dose that make it a good game?

Time will tell so lets wait and see.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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