Guitar Hero To Get New Modes

Date: Friday, May 15 @ 13:19:50 UTC
Topic: Gaming

For the guys out there that think what could Guitar Hero add to a part five other then tracks to keep the gravy train rolling, well it must be party mode and USA Today has all the details on this and more such as a hand full of tracks that are set for the new Guitar Hero 5 game.

USA Today reports: The newest version of the music game, due this fall for the Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStation 3 and PS2 (no price set), lets up to four players rock out on whatever instrument they want, all on lead guitar, if they choose.

And a new competitive Fest mode lets four players at home (and up to eight online) battle against each other for top scores. As the song plays, when a player misses a note, they lose momentum points and must hit 20 straight notes to regain the momentum. “It becomes a little more competitive,” says project director Brian Bright.

There’s also new artists including Tom Petty (Runnin Down a Dream) and the White Stripes (Blue Orchid). Other new tunes on the songlist: The Rolling Stones (Sympathy for the Devil), Bob Dylan (All Along The Watchtower), Santana (No One To Depend On), Vampire Weekend (A-Punk), Johnny Cash (Ring of Fire) and Kings of Leon (Sex on Fire).

And those wanting some funky music can rock to Stevie Wonder’s Superstition. For that song, the Guitar Hero designers tracked Wonder’s electronic clavinet keyboard for players to try to match notes to. “It feels right,” Bright says. “We can’t pass up a chance to get one of Stevie Wonder’s best songs.”

Since 2005 when the first Guitar Hero was released, the franchise has generated more than $2 billion. At first, players would match colored notes on a moving music highway with keys on plastic guitar-shaped controllers. Last year’s Guitar Hero World Tour added drums and vocals -- as did Rock Band in 2007.

Guitar Hero 5’s songlist has a fresh feel, with one-fourth of the music having come out in the last 18 months and more than half from this decade. “We have a lot of new indie artists as well and Iron Maiden as more classic rock or heavy metal,” Bright says. “We’ve been trying to get the White Stripes and they have finally come around.”

The biggest hit, Bright says, may be the party play mode that lets people join a song while it is playing and switch instruments or difficulty level mid-song, too. “If you played any of our previous games, getting into a game is kind of a pain especially with multiple people with different instruments,” Bright says. “This is a perfect mode for parties. You can load up playlists with your favorite songs and just let that run and people can jump in when they want and the music never stops.”


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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