BioWare: Mass Effect 2 Only On Xbox 360 and PC

Date: Friday, October 16 @ 19:19:48 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Looks like EA have just listed the expected release dates for Mass Effect 2 on twitter. @EA: "Just announced: @masseffect2 will be released on 1/26 in NA (1/29 in EU)". IGN have also confirmed that the title will not be coming to the PS3. Developer squashes rumors of a PlayStation 3 port for good. Do you believe them?

US, October 16, 2009 - A story from earlier this morning from the website Polygamia reported Jay Watamaniuk, BioWare's community manager, had stated there's a good chance we'll see Mass Effect 2 on PlayStation 3 during a presentation in Poland.

"During the presentation, Watamaniuk mentioned three platforms that Mass Effect 2 is targeted at. They were Xbox 360, PC and "probably PS3". After a while, realizing what he said, he started to back out, saying that they do not comment on rumors and speculations,' the report said.

IGN contacted Electronic Arts for a comment and was directed to an updated forum post by Watamaniuk on BioWare's website. Watamaniuk clarified his comments saying it was all "a misunderstanding."

"There is a report circulating today based on an appearance I made in Poland yesterday. Seems there was a misunderstanding about ME2 coming to PS3." he wrote.

"Let me clarify today: ME2 is coming to PC and X360 only."

This is the second time this week speculation of a PS3 version may be on its way.

New listings on both Electronic Arts' Russian website and Australian retailer GAME had Mass Effect 2 coming to PlayStation 3. EA would eventually comment saying: "The postings on those website are false and are being corrected."

BioWare and Electronic Arts have been quick to cover up any talk of a PlayStation 3 port. Do you think this will stay exclusive to PC and Xbox 360?

360-Hq Games Database: Mass Effect 2 for Xbox 360

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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