Demo: Aliens vs Predator now available on Marketplace

Date: Saturday, February 06 @ 21:04:47 UTC
Topic: Live Marketplace

Experience a war like never before between two of sci-fi's most iconic characters in the new online Mutiplayer demo for "Aliens vs Predator".

The Demo features only one map in Deathmatch multiplayer. Hunter. Survivor. Prey. Which will you be?

Content: Aliens vs Predator
Price: Free
Availability: Not available in Germany, India and Japan
Dash Text: Hunter. Survivor. Prey. Which will you be? Will you lock and load as a United States Colonial Marine? Fight for honour as the savage Predator? Or go in for the kill as the murderous Xenomorph? And will you be the hunter... or the prey? Demo features one map in Deathmatch multiplayer. Full game features eight maps, seven multiplayer modes and three single-player campaigns. Online connection required.

Add the Alien vs Predator Demo to your Xbox 360 download queue

360-Hq Game Database: Aliens vs Predator for Xbox 360

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