Breach now available on Xbox LIVE Arcade - 1200 MSP

Date: Wednesday, January 26 @ 23:29:05 UTC
Topic: Live Arcade

Atomic Games' first-person multiplayer shooter Breach is now available for download via Xbox LIVE. Breach is priced at 1200 Microsoft points and is 1.22 GB size. Check your region for availability.

Content: Breach
Price: 1200 Microsoft Points
Availability: Check availability in your region
Dash Text: Breach is a first-person military shooter that unleashes enough destruction to change the very nature of multiplayer combat. Crash ceilings on opponents. Create murder holes. Disintegrate cover. Punch holes through floors. Blow out walls. Collapse entire buildings. And, so much more.

Add the free trial of Breach to your Xbox 360 download queue

File Size: 1.22 GB
360-Hq Games Database: Breach

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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