50% Off Dead Rising 2 Marketplace DLC on Xbox LIVE

Date: Wednesday, April 27 @ 21:08:51 UTC
Topic: Live Marketplace

As part of Microsoft’s “Deal of the Week” promotion, Xbox LIVE Gold Members can save on an assortment of Dead Rising 2 related Marketplace items.

The following prices are only valid from April 26 through May 2, 2011.

Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week!

As an Xbox LIVE Gold member, you get an Exclusive Gold Only Discount on a piece of content each week. It could be your favorite arcade game, a classic Xbox original, or even that map pack or that new song you have been looking to buy. With your favorite content going on sale each week just imagine how much you can save!

TitleRegular PriceDeal Price
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero400 MSP200 MSP
Dead Rising 2: Case West800 MSP400 MSP
Dead Rising 2 Psycho Skills Pack160 MSP80 MSP
Dead Rising 2 Soldier Skills Pack160 MSP80 MSP

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