Geometry Wars creator Interview

Date: Wednesday, March 01 @ 23:50:12 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Stephen Cakebread must be one popular fellow around the Bizarre Creations offices. While his brethren spent their time focused on Project Gotham Racing 3, Cakebread made an old-school shooter with simple mechanics, colorful visuals, and no ending. The result? Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved, the biggest reason to own an Xbox 360 and use Xbox Live Arcade (and a game we have obsessed over one too many times).

Brian 'ColdForged' Dupuis got a chance to interview Cakebread recently, resulting in some insightful behind-the-scenes commentary on the development of Geometry Wars. Many of the little nuances of the game are discussed here, including the snake's tail and the small purple rectangles ("Satan's Own Miniature Deliverers of Evil and Consternation"). Cakebread expresses delight in his creation, albeit he admits its not perfect (sequel, anyone?). There is talk of the particle effects that, Cakebread laments, with some more time and tweaking could've been prettier and more abundant.

Cakebread admits his high score is only 2.1 million, so no advice there...but hey, what can you expect from a guy who openly admits to eating kittens for breakfast? (Scroll down to the halfway point to see the confession.)

Geometry Wars Achievements: Geometry Wars Evolved

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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