Cloudberry Kingdom Hits Xbox Live Arcade ($9.99)

Date: Tuesday, July 30 @ 15:18:25 UTC
Topic: Live Arcade

Pwnee Studio's downloadable platformer Cloudberry Kingdom will be available to download tomorrow July 31 via Xbox Live for 800 Microsoft Points ($9.99).

Cloudberry Kingdom XBLA

Unhappily ever after. That’s how it starts. The Orb resurfaces and the classic characters return. Kobbler with his mania, Princess with her endless boredom. It’s only a matter of time before Bob, our hero, shows up to restore order back to madness. Three powers struggle for victory and the fate of Cloudberry Kingdom hangs in the balance. What will become of the retired hero, Bob? Will saving Princess one last time win her love? Could true love ever stop Kobbler and the power of the Orb?

Cloudberry Kingdom is available today July 30th via PSN, tomorrow July 31st on Xbox Live Arcade, and Steam, and on Wii U e-shop August 1st. PlayStation VITA users will need to wait until later this year. For more information on the game, please visit the 360-HQ video games database or the official site.

Price: 800 Microsoft Points ($9.99)
File Size: 436.25 MB
Download: here (free demo)
360-HQ Xbox Games: Cloudberry Kingdom

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