2D Puzzle Game “The Bridge” Now Available on XBLA $9.99/ £6.75

Date: Wednesday, November 13 @ 19:37:51 UTC
Topic: Live Arcade

The Bridge”, the M.C. Escher-influenced 2D puzzle game from Quantum Astrophysicists Guild, is now available to download via Xbox Live Arcade for $9.99/ £6.75. Download the free demo!

The Bridge XBLA

The Bridge exemplifies games as an art form, with beautifully hand-drawn art in the style of a black-and-white lithograph. Manipulate gravity to redefine the ceiling as the floor while venturing through impossible architectures. Explore increasingly difficult worlds, each uniquely detailed and designed to leave the player with a pronounced sense of intellectual accomplishment.

The Bridge Features:

  • 48 thought-provoking puzzles, each unique from the rest, all requiring an innovative solution.
  • Gravity manipulations, gravitational vortexes, parallel dimensions, and many more mind-bending concepts in a world where the laws of physics are not what they seem.
  • M. C. Escher-esque worlds with impossible architecture set in the style of beautifully hand-drawn black-and-white lithographic art.
  • An alternate version of the game unlocked after the main storyline has been completed, including challenging alternate versions of each of the 24 main puzzles, along with an alternate ending.
  • A time-backtracking system to alleviate any fears of making a mistake.

For more information on The Bridge, please browse through all of our coverage via the Xbox 360 Games database.

Download: here
File Size: 292.07 MB
Xbox 360 Games: The Bridge

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