PS3 trying to keep up... hahahah lol hilarious

Date: Friday, April 14 @ 07:05:40 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

I know this is off-topic guys but i thought all you 360 fanboys would get a laugh out of sony's attempt to catch the 360.. lol.. Why bother.. They have no chance.. Have a read and laugh on as they attempt to make their own version of LIVE..

As some gamers have heard, Sony revealed at GDC this year that they will be constantly reserving 1 of the 7 available SPEs on the Cell Processor for their OS. This, we have discovered, is just the tip of the iceberg.

As was witnessed in their demonstrations at GDC, Sony is planning to have an Operating System running constantly in the background, just like one witnesses when using the Xbox360 OS (aka Dashboard). They plan to have a "Blade" like pane that can appear out of the right hand side of the screen for viewing and participating in activities that the OS enables.

This include but are not limited to,
* Multi-User Voice Chat across all games, even outside of the games own UI
* Multi-User Video Chat across all games, even outside of the games own UI
* Notifications and messaging to be sent between users regardless of the games they are playing

Like the Xbox360, this all comes at a cost,
* 32mb of the 256mb of available GDDR3 memory off the RSX chip
* 64mb of the 256mb of available XDR memory off the Cell CPU
* 1 SPE of 7 constantly reserved
* 1 SPE of 7 able to be "taken" by the OS at a moments notice (games have to give it up if requested)

The funniest thing about this is they know how much of the market xbox 360 is tacking over with their gamerscores, xbox live and all the other features.. God help sony..

Youve made the right choice with your 360.. Let me tell you that..
You cant go wrong guys.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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