Rumor: SEGA and MAME heading to Xbox Live

Date: Friday, April 21 @ 20:50:09 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

Everyone's favorite kind of tipster (the anonymous type) has come out of Microsoft saying that they have some serious cards to deal in their favor for Xbox Live Arcade. While this is strictly a rumor, word has it that they are working on getting MAME on the system to turn XBLA into the largest arcade machine in the world.

From the horse's mouth: "XBLA has seen some pretty serious deal-making in this first quarter - it's been a real priority," explained the source. "The deal-making has been a no-brainer for everyone we've spoken to and, aside from a few licensing issues with existing products, XBLA is going to smash Nintendo's Virtual Console to pieces."

Big words! But that's not all. SEGA is also supposed to jump on board with some 8 and 16-bit titles. Allegedly, Microsoft will be showing all this off at E3 and making huge news in the process. Think gamers would get excited to see both of these on the 360? Hell yes we would. The potential is staggering, but we'll have to wait until May to see if this anonymous heads-up is worth anything or not.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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