Xbox Game Pass Becoming a Must Have

Date: Wednesday, March 02 @ 07:40:54 UTC
Topic: Gaming

In today’s digital era, convenience is king, and having all services under one banner separates one company from another – it has helped music platforms like Spotify grow further as podcasting has fallen under its banner and streaming too with movies and TV being put together too.

Xbox Game Pass Becoming a Must Have

Gaming platforms have done the same for a long period of time whether this be from online listing sites for different genres like casinos at, or even more robust platforms like Steam which have long been the gold standard for a large online library of games.

Up until now there hasn’t really been a subscription service that does the same for gaming though – offering new titles on a regular basis to be explored for a limited period of time before a new collection comes in, and those that had tried weren’t able to get off the ground as the platforms didn’t have enough titles to really get off the ground. When Xbox Game Pass first launched back in 2017, it found some very early success by having some great IPs to get the platform off the ground, and recent acquisitions with the likes of Blizzard Entertainment will only help this further.

Subscriber counts to the Game Pass service have been growing rapidly since its launch and as of January 2022 had managed to reach up to 25 million subscribers, and with a growing catalog of games with some big pick-ups in 2020 and 2021, it’s a great choice for those who’d like to go back to a similar experience of renting titles to try them or complete them, before moving onto the next. Whilst it’s still quite a distance away from streaming services like Disney+ which were able to surpass 100 million users in just sixteen months, it does show promise that the service could find some exciting figures.

It's quickly moving into the space of becoming a must-have subscription for gamers, at just $10 per month for the basic version which offers over 100-games immediately and new games added regularly, or $15 per month for the Ultimate version of Gamepass which also includes additional options for mobile as well as console and PC too – if more studios are acquired it will definitely be too good to pass up and with new game releases often now surpassing the $60 price point, to get access to these new games on a regular basis for double that price, it could cut the budget for those who aren’t able to get every new AAA game, but would like to try them at some point.

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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