Charon's Staircase climbing its way to consoles and PC in October

Date: Wednesday, June 22 @ 02:20:05 UTC
Topic: Gaming

SOEDESCO (‎@SOEDESCO) announced that its first-person horror mystery game Charon's Staircase will launch in October on Xbox One/Xbox Series X/S, PS4/PS5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. The game will be available in digital and physical formats, with a specific release date to be announced at a later date.

Charon's Staircase haunts its way to consoles and PC in October

Developed by Spanish independent video game studio Indigo Studios, Charon's Staircase is an immersive first-person horror mystery game that focuses on exploration while telling a dark and dramatic narrative. Accompanied by ominous environments, menacing music and fully-voiced narration, Charon's Staircase will take you to a world full of haunting atmospheres.

The Story

In the 1970s, a totalitarian regime known as The Ministry ruled with an iron fist. They committed numerous inhumane and sinister acts during their reign, but those days are over, as they now aspire to join the European Union.

You play as an agent codenamed: ‘Desmond’, sent by The Ministry who is tasked with retrieving and destroying classified documents from the Oack Grove estate, that reveal the horrifying activities that happened in the past. Your journey, however, leads you to an unpleasant and gruesome discovery – Project Alpha.

Let's take a look at the official trailer.

Charon's Staircase will be available this October for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam.

Charon's Staircase Digital Download

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