Ex-Journey Developer Joins Forces with coherence for Multi-Million Dollar RPG

Date: Wednesday, October 11 @ 14:14:58 UTC
Topic: Gaming

coherence (@coherenceio) announced a new collaboration with game developer Gardens, who recently revealed that they received $31.3 million in funding on the back of an impressive playable demo shown behind closed doors at GDC.

Ex-Journey Developer Teams Up with coherence for Multi-Million Dollar RPG

Multiplayer is a fundamental part of Gardens’ in-development ARPG and the team have been using coherence’s revolutionary network engine from the outset, allowing what began as a small team to create a multiplayer RPG experience that wowed investors like Lightspeed Venture Partners and Krafton.

Gardens is composed of a team of talented developers who have worked on titles like Journey, What Remains of Edith Finch, Marvel’s Spider-Man, Ultima Online, Outer Wilds and more. With their new Action RPG, they are building on multiplayer ideas and lessons from titles like Journey, delivering an adventure set in a gorgeous fantasy wilderness with multiplayer co-op elements that emphasize tactile interactions between players as they collaborate to navigate the world, solve puzzles and awaken dormant magic.

coherence’s mission to redefine how multiplayer games are made is perfectly embodied in Garden’s new title. coherence has helped enable the talented team to combine indie-like design innovation, creativity and playfulness, with global ambition and commercial focus. coherence is also the first network engine that a designer can use with no need for coding, offering a powerful set of tools that allows developers to have working multiplayer prototypes running in a matter of minutes. It is an open, easy-to-use, and highly scalable offering that anyone, from big studios, to small indie teams, can take advantage of, while remaining a highly-intuitive and streamlined way of creating, testing and deploying networked games.

“Giving developers the tools they need to innovate with multiplayer design was the key goal with coherence from the very start, so seeing what Gardens are doing with our technology has been absolutely amazing,” said coherence co-founder and CEO Dino Patti. “They are creating something truly original and their work makes me extremely excited about the future of multiplayer gaming”.

"coherence empowers small teams to create ambitious online worlds like the one we're growing here at Gardens,” said Gardens’ CEO & Creative Director, Chris Bell. “And they have been incredible partners, quick to answer questions and prioritize any features that we request. We're further along in our game's development because of coherence's multiplayer technology and support."

Founded by Playdead co-founder Dino Patti and Tadej Gregoric, coherence recently hit its 1.0 release, delivering a host of features and innovations to the multiplayer space.

For more information on coherence, its features and pricing model, visit the official coherence website.

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