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Post Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:39 pm   
Post subject: MW2 Confirmed Weapons / MP Hands On
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OK Guys. As the hype for MW2 reaches near fever pitch it is time to look at the weapons in the game.

Below is a list of confirmed weapons in the game. I have also added You Tube of some of the weapons to show you what they are capable of.

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Last edited by Mattster on Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:40 pm   
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:47 pm   
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Post Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:50 pm   
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Winchester 1887.png


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Post Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:01 am   
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And Now for some Youtube of some of the new guns, feel free to post any vids.


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Post Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:13 am   
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Thats Sweet man,, I am happy to see the 1911 there, I have one and love it!

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Post Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:18 am   
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I added a link to your post here in my main story post in the weapons section.

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Post Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:52 am   
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With the Massive press release today, I found a hands on review from IGN's Mark Bozon, who got to play the multiplayer for a couple of hours.



As a self admitted Call of Duty junkie – I'm going to classes, and I'm using the steps – I was eager to jump in and give the new multiplayer in Modern Warfare 2 a serious run through the paces. Not a hands-on "dabble" with the game; a real runthrough. Thus far I've had a chance to play three matches, each of which were different, and experimented with three different class sets. The beta we're currently on is totally locked out at the beginning, starting with each player at level one, and resetting every time a 20 minute interval is up. Needless to say, that limits the amount of guns I've had a chance to use, but it also keeps the playing field even.

The first major note I can make on the game is that, as expected, it's pretty unchanged in the gameplay department from the previous Modern Warfare. IW knew it had a hit on its hands in the first game, and as such Modern Warfare 2 feels like a true Modern Warfare experience. The team sizes are set at nine on nine, the levels are a mix of indoors, outdoors, and varied height, and yeah, there are still sections of the game when you're totally confused as to why you died. It happens.
Click above to see footage from the event.

As for what's truly different, I'll start with a few basics I noticed. Bringing up things like the UAV mid-battle (and mid-sprint) seems to be more dependant on the gun this time around to determine speed, and the game is hugely reliant on perks and create-a-class options. Semtex, a replacement for grenades, can actually stick to people, walls, doors, ceilings… whatever. I tried to toss one at a shield, but didn't live long enough to see the result, sadly. They rock though. It's a great way to pop someone hiding in obvious cover, and it has a shorter fuse than a regular frag grenade. The actual weapon loadouts are also a bit different as well, with a primary and secondary gun available in every create-a-class. Rather than being stuck to just pistols, players can add a shotgun, machine pistol, or regular pistol in its place, as well as rocket launchers. Apparently someone else had the same feeling I did about shotguns – they're nice, but I'd never use one over a rifle or SMG – and decided to shoehorn it in with the regular set.

As for weapons, I've gone hands-on with quite a few thus far. The RPD is back and virtually unchanged, the M4 is also entirely true to the original feel, FAMAS is basically a bigger brother to the M16 (with three shot bursts),and the .44 Magnum is like a more ADS-friendly version of the Deagle, and it kicks a whole lot of ass. I've cleared rooms with a .44, and not bothered to switch back to my main gun. It's sick.

Other guns on the field include the RPD-like L-86 (it has crazy hop, but very strong. I'd place it between the M-60 and RPD from Modern Warfare), the AA-12 auto-shotgun, which I sadly haven't tried yet, the reliable MP5K (which looks to be a replacement for the original, at least for the earlier level players), and the "yang" to the K's "ying," with the UMP45. It's stronger than the MP5K, but it also scatters a bit more at a distance. As a quick note though, both MP5 and UMP feel far more reliable than the Skorpion or Mini-Uzi ever did, and the iron sights are a bit more manageable as well (think original MP5).

Another major change is the killstreak system, which is a huge addition in both a good way, and possibly a bit of a negative one; we'll see how balance holds out once we play more prolonged matches. Players can customize their kills at the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 11 increments, and while not all of them are open right away – starting Private class only has 3 and 4 – it provides some serious incentive to keep leveling. These include everything from supply drops to predator missiles, helicopters, UAV, AC-130, anti-UAV, and air strike. As for a few details on those, the predator missile is a cam-controlled drop where you can actually steer the missile and have the R-trigger to accelerate its fall. Supply drops are interesting as well, having players throw down smoke that actually brings in a helicopter drop. Anyone on the field can use it though, so it's a race to get to the box. It can contain any of your killstreak options currently set (basically a roulette) and can seriously turn the tide of a battle. With that being said, it's also another area where the more hardcore gamers might be a bit concerned, as a lucky roll could mean a guy that tags four or five people could essentially unlock the AC-130 or other ass-kicking streak rewards. Of course the chance is equally good that you'll kill everyone around and steal the upgrade for yourself, so it should all balance out in the end.

As for the levels, we've had a chance to try three different areas out, including Highrise (the level with the helicopter that's stationary on top of a skyscraper), Afghan, which is set in a brown mountainous area next to an airplane crash site, and the Rio level shown in the first multiplayer footage IW released a few days back. Afghan allows for some great sniping and has a nice network of indoor cave areas (as well as a shanty town), Highrise is a classic "side vs. side" setup with plenty of glass to shoot out and exploding barrels – as well as an underground network – and the Rio level is pure vertical insanity, including a water tower, shanty town sniping posts, dozens of houses, and slanted streets. As a quick observation on level design, things are far more varied in this game as opposed to COD4. There's more height, there are more cover areas, and elevation change from section to section can be drastic. Afghan has not only a great sniper perch, but also a few areas where you're jumping from mountain ledge to mountain ledge. Pretty intense.

Now that we've got the basics down, let's dive into the real guts of Modern Warfare 2, which is the insane amount of customization. When it comes to pure depth and options, Modern Warfare 2 blows away the competition, and that includes COD4. The killstreaks include an insane amount of versatility, guns are far more expandable, and perks are even crazier than the first game.

I'll kick it off with the guns, starting with the weapons themselves. The beta includes a huge range of weaponry, with the list comprised of the M4, FAMAS, SCAR-H (which is a mix of AK-47 and M4), Tar-21, the MP5K, UMP45, a submachine gun called the Vector (similar to the original MP5, but with a faster firing speed), the aforementioned light machine guns, and sidearms. The SCAR was a blast to play with, and the iron sights were easy to use from even mid to long range. Speaking of long range, kills from a farther distance earn you extra challenges, as do double and triple kills and headshots. Not bad. Oh, and the P90 wasn't playable, but it's in the list, and in the first half of submachine guns you unlock.

Where things really get interesting, however, is in the new gun-based attachments. Modern Warfare had things like doubletap as a perk. This time around, gun attachments include modifications like those as well, so you've got silencers, the ACOG scope, red dot, grips, heartbeat scanners, improved speed, and high-cap magazines. With the new Bling perk you can have two attachments at a time as well, so increased firing speed and a larger mag is entirely viable. These don't take the place of any perks either (minus the Bling one), so tweaking weapons is now deeper than ever.

On the grenade front, the same thing applies. There's now frags, semtex, throwing knives, but also a strange addition called "Tactical Insurgence," which replaces all primary grenades with a flare stick. Crack it open on the battlefield and you'll mark that spot as your next respawn point. This is a bit tricky to use, since you have to not only know where you want to spawn next time, but also get there. If you use it right though (on Afghan you can crack a stick by your sniper position, and if killed will spawn just a few meters from the person that flanked you) you can dominate. This is also interesting for snipers that spend time getting to out-of-the-way areas as well. Get to a killer spot? Crack open the stick, and hop right back up there if you're counter-sniped.

And then there are the perks. First off, Pro Perks. Pro Perks are new additions to the game as well, allowing for you to actually increase the power of a specific perk (say, stopping power or increased speed; another addition announced tonight) if you use it a lot. Kill a set amount of people with stopping power on – I believe it was 1,000… no easy task – and you unlock "Stopping Power Pro." These perks can be seen on the main perk selection menu, and like all the other customization in the game it's entirely streamlined. If you hover over any attachment, gun, or perk in the game and press X, you'll see info on that selection, including how many kills you need for the next challenge or unlock. Nice.

As for other perks I noticed, the list goes on and on. Scavenger allows you to re-up on all supplies and ammo any time you cross over a dead body, and new "deathstreak" system actually comes to your aid with a class-stealing ability – die four times, and you can steal the class setup of the person who last killed you, allowing you to get guns not previously unlocked – and also a perk that gives you automatic health boots for 10 seconds after respawning. The health boost is also included as a standalone perk, as is the Bling perk I mentioned. A new infinite sprint option is included, "hardline" lets you get to your killstreaks one kill faster (if UAV is at three, you get it at two every time), there's a speed boost perk (which was the "feathered boots" pic in the original MW2 teaser trailer) that lets you run faster, and then the expected stopping power and steady aim options.

And then there's the kill streak perks. The new killstreaks are what really elevate Modern Warfare 2 above and beyond any other online FPS in terms of customization and user diversity, even raising the bar well over what Modern Warfare did two years ago. Shown off tonight was the AC-130, UAV, anti-UAV (nice touch), sentry gun turret (which can be placed anywhere and then moved by any teammate), precision airstrike, which now lets you change the approach direction of the attack, the amazingly deadly predator missile, the supply drop (which is the roulette of other killstreaks that drops in) and helicopter. The choppers are still pretty deadly this time around, though with none of the advanced rockets that appear to be in the game unlocked I'm sure this is balanced out later with a decent grouping of anti-air. I also tried to stick a chopper with semtex, but didn't quite have the arm. The predator missile is going to piss off a lot of group-up clans, since you can instantly drop a huge explosion down on an entire group of people, but while I originally wasn't a fan of this upgrade since it was overpowered, you can also see it coming on the radar and prepare for a good three seconds or so, gving you time to run inside or disperse. I avoided a few direct predator attacks, and it was pretty satisfying.

And finally, a few other "housekeeping" bits to mention. First off, a new version of Search and Destroy is now supported in the game. Titled "Demolition," this new mode (whether it replaces S&D or is just in addition to it) allows for everyone on the attacking team to have a bomb, and full-on respawns as the round goes on. Defenders try to stop the attacks at both an A and B site, but if attackers succeed in a single bombing their time is increased and the focus shifts to the other site entirely. This was a great mode for using the predator missile, as you could blow away teams that were moving towards sites, and the sentry guns (basically auto-turrets) could be dispatched at various choke points and used to control the flow of the map. Oh, and while I'm on the subject of capping and planting, shields are a bitch to fight against. You may not always have a buddy with you, but shield carriers can squat on a point and deflect a huge amount of fire. I managed to score some captures in domination using that tactic, and I'd assume "shield spam" will be a worthy tactic when dealing with headquarters as well. As for the new mode, demolition is a great addition to the Modern Warfare game set, and one I'll be playing right up there with headquarters for the months (and let's be realistic; years) to come. Hopefully classic Search & Destroy makes a return though too


After reading this, I truly cannot wait until November 10


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Post Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:16 pm   
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Wow, some good stuff in there, I am going to need to do some editing to the news story post now.

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