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America's Army: True Soldiers
 Red Storm Entertainment  |  Nov 15, 2007
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360-Hq.Com Review

Difficulty: 1
Learning Curve: 1
Published by: scarface
Date: 2008-02-20

America''s Army: True Soldiers for Xbox 3

When AA was first released for the PC as a means of boosting military recruitment numbers, there was two great factors working in there favor it was free and fun to play. Now that it has come over to the Xbox 360 in a form of True Soldiers its original appeal has taking a great hit. Not only does this game cost the same as another first-person shooter and also attempts a more realistic feel, which seems has a resulted in a clunky and monotonous overall experience. So if you ever played the PC version you know what it was like and how fun it was this game seems like it brings it but to me does not compare to the much newer first-person shooters but still is fun with these realistic weapons and equipment that has a realistic feel. Still we always want more out of every game and this game is pretty good but not Great or a legendary game.

You can jump right into the online multiplayer, which is by far the game's biggest strength, but given that this is an official Army game, it seems more natural to begin with Basic Training. With a colorful array of drill sergeants guiding you along the way, you'll start out in target practice on a firing range with a variety of genuine Army weaponry, and gradually move your way up to a full-blown obstacle course. It's in that transition where you really see the game's strengths and weaknesses. The guns feel and sound very authentic, and you can choose from a good variety of them.

Furthermore, through the use of customizable classes and skill-building honor points, you feel a distinct connection to your firearms that you don't find in many shooters. But once you get moving, things turn ugly.
"Awkwardly plodding" would be a nice way to describe how your soldier moves. It's bearable when you're charging through an open field, but when you work yourself into a space with any sort of obstacles nearby, this jerky movement makes it feel as if you're trying to parallel park a big, yellow school bus.

The item menu doesn't make things feel any more fluid. Say that you're in a firefight and you want to toss a grenade. You'll need to pull up the radial equipment menu, point the cursor to the frag grenade--be careful not to select the handgun right next to it, as we accidentally did several times--and wait for the status bar to load up before you can throw one. After that, you do the opposite to switch back to your gun. It's a needlessly laborious process that further hampers the game's already-tedious pace.

Then you finish up with Basic Training, the next logical step is Wargames. This would be the equivalent of a campaign mode in most games, but here it's really just an extension of Basic Training because the majority of it is staged with no story to speak of. You're guided from one checkpoint to another by the same boisterous sergeants found in training. At each stop there's a swarm of enemies you'll need to take out, but these "enemies" are actually fellow soldiers dressed in militia garb, and you're not "taking them out" as much as you are shooting them with paintballs until they sit on the ground with arms crossed to signal defeat.

What's more, these simulated dustups are few and far between, given that most of the time you're basically being taken for a leisurely nature walk by your commanding officer as he yells to stay close despite your presence literally two feet away.

Bland textures and downright ugly character models further dilute the game's realism. The graphics aren't bad to the point of distraction, but they certainly don't help matters any.

If you're able to deal with the faults found in the core gameplay, the deep multiplayer goes a long way to help the game. Whether online or offline, competitive or cooperative, there's a huge array of customization options available for you to tinker with. You'll find the usual selection of modes, such as team deathmatch and territory capturing, as well as other options such as 16 player co-op, where you can essentially create levels on the fly by choosing the number and difficulty of enemies your team needs to defeat to achieve victory. The levels tend to be pretty massive, too, which offers a lot of strategic options but also exposes just how terrible the movement really is

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America's Army: True Soldiers Achievements (44)

There are 44 achievements with a total of 1000 points available
Sniper Award (M24/M107)
Win 10 missions (4+ players in game) with an M24/M107 accuracy of 80% or higher (10+ shots fired).
Grenadier Award (M203)
Neutralize 75 targets with M203 grenade launcher in multiplayer (4+ players in game).
Rifleman Award (M16A4 / M4A1)
Win 10 missions (4+ players in game) with an M16A4/M4A1 accuracy of 80% or higher (30+ shots fired).
Pistolier Award (M9)
Win 10 missions (4+ players in game) with an M9 accuracy of 80% or higher (15+ shots fired).
Golden Eagle
Join a Unit (Clan) and win 10 missions (4+ players in game) as a Unit member.
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America's Army: True Soldiers

Red Storm Entertainment

First Person Shooter/Modern

- Nov 15, 2007
- Nov 15, 2007 (US)
Played: 10  |  Wishlists: 9
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6.0/10 6.0
Overall Rank: 325 of 2965
Achievements: 44

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